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Community forums

Easy to use forums that empower in-depth discussions between your users. Let your users perform self-service by answering each others questions.


Community forums

Easy to use forums that empower in-depth discussions between your users. Let your users perform self-service by answering each others questions.


Community forums

Easy to use forums that empower in-depth discussions between your users. Let your users perform self-service by answering each others questions.

Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background

rich text editor

Let users create
highly detailed posts

Users can create highly detailed posts and comments with the rich text editor. Let users add images, videos, code blocks, tables, lists, surveys, polls, and more.

threads & comments

Enable in-depth conversations

Let users discuss and comment on community posts with detailed threading.


Vote on community posts & comments

Upvote and downvote community posts and comments. Let members have influence on deciding what is valuable content in the community and display highly upvoted content higher in your community.

mark as 'helped'

Measure how many support cases are being deflected

Your users can mark community posts as 'This has helped me'. Measure what type of community posts are contributing the most value and how many support cases are being deflected over your entire community environment.

Best answer & pin comments

Pin the best answers
in community posts

Users and moderators can pin comments/answers on community posts. Let users mark the comment that solved their issue as 'Best answer' or pin the most active threads at the top of your comment section.


Frequently asked questions

How many community forum channels can I add?
Can I display our community forum in our application?
Can users add screenshots in their comments on posts?
Can I make a community forum channel only accessible for specific users?


Frequently asked questions

How many community forum channels can I add?
Can I display our community forum in our application?
Can users add screenshots in their comments on posts?
Can I make a community forum channel only accessible for specific users?


Frequently asked questions

How many community forum channels can I add?
Can I display our community forum in our application?
Can users add screenshots in their comments on posts?
Can I make a community forum channel only accessible for specific users?

Already have a community environment?

Migrating your existing community to a community environment built with Turf has never been easier. Get in touch and let us know which solutions you are currently using.

Already have a community environment?

Migrating your existing community to a community environment built with Turf has never been easier. Get in touch and let us know which solutions you are currently using.

Already have a community environment?

Migrating your existing community to a community environment built with Turf has never been easier. Get in touch and let us know which solutions you are currently using.